Setting DIRE limits reduces the amount of DIRE we are exposed to in medicine. The science of cellular health supports the need for DIRE reduction in healthcare.
Science explains radiation is harmful to cells. Specifically, gamma rays alter DNA, mutating cells by stripping the electron from the atom. This is how x-ray pictures are obtained. Therefore, when patients undergo DIRE, their cells are mutated. Mutated cells are also known as cancer.
In order to minimize the risk of cell mutation from DIRE, limits should be maintained and tested.
These suggested limits are based on cellular susceptibility to gamma rays.
Proposed DIRE
I. ADULTS 25 to 45:
100 mSv (cancer detected*)
Group I has the least cellular susceptibility because they are not rapidly growing or rapidly aging.
Individuals in this age range that alter their cells with drugs, alcohol or other known cellular disruptors, should further reduce their DIRE and be placed in Group III. due to the ongoing cellular damage they undergo without DIRE.
75 mSv
Group II experiences cellular decline which is inevitable. This is demonstrated as hair becomes gray and skin becomes weaker and wrinkles. These are a sign that cellular strength and cellular health are reduced, leading to increased susceptibility from DIRE.
Individuals in this age range with collagen disorders such as Lupus, Marfans or Ehlers Danlos, should further reduce their DIRE and be placed in Group 5 as their cellular stability is questionable even without DIRE.
Group III is more susceptible to the damage of radiation due to their growing and maturing cells.
Individuals in this age range that alter their cells with drugs, alcohol or other known cellular disruptors, should further reduce their DIRE and be placed in Group II. due to the ongoing cellular damage they undergo without DIRE.
14 TO 24:
50 mSv
25 mSv
Group IV is highly susceptible to the damage of radiation to the rapidly changing and growing cells.
At no time should DIRE be prescribed for children in this group, with few exceptions such as a life threatening or emergent situation.
0 + ERE mSv
Group V is the most susceptible to the damage of radiation due to brand new cells constantly multiply and dividing.
At no time should DIRE be prescribed for pregnant women, with few exceptions, such as a life threatening or emergent situation.
Mexican children do not undergo routine dental x-rays, and instead, only use DIRE in emergent or life threatening situations, due to their awareness of the harms of DIRE. Mexico has the second-lowest cancer death rate globally.
Karen Nussbaumer
Founder, ADOM
*Although cancer is detected at 100mSv, it is expected that the average American patient is exposed to an amount greater than proposed. Therefore, a limit of 100mSv will, at the very least, keep track of the actual DIRE annually.